I was listening to my favorite podcast recently and one of the speakers shared this acronym: B-U-S-Y - Burdened Under Satan’s Yoke. I was immediately convicted. I began to think of all the times I had used this word BUSY, and this new connotation really struck me. Did my busy-ness and my striving to do more really have me yoked to satan?
Over the next few days, “BUSY” really stayed with me. I found myself now fully aware of my use of this word, its new meaning in my life, and the result was my decision to delete this word from my vocabulary. After taking it to Jesus in prayer, He opened the eyes of my heart to see how my actions of busy-ness are sometimes a distraction from Him. Some of the things I thought I was doing for Him and because of Him, were sometimes a hindrance to my connection with Him. The Lord opened my eyes to see that to be too busy is to miss out on all the beautiful opportunities He has ordained for me to encounter. Because I am busy, what am I not able to see, hear, participate in and enjoy? I began to feel more like Martha and less like Mary.
But Martha was distracted with much serving; and she went to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10: 40-42
During my “BUSY” discernment, I spent a week in beautiful Paris where I was able to NOT be busy. This vacation had no plans, no appointments, no schedules and absolutely no expectations. I was fully engaged in the French lifestyle which included dining in cafes for hours on end, walking for miles while taking in the beauty of the city, sipping on delicious coffee, nibbling on freshly baked croissants, and simply sitting to watch the bustling city go by. In the company of my two daughters, I truly felt like Martha had stepped aside and I was in full Mary mode. I was able to engage without being distracted and to listen, hear, see and completely enjoy this time of grace. The burden of being busy had been lifted and I could enjoy the kiss that my Bridegroom had prepared for me. It was a lovely time of enjoying life and as the trip was coming to an end, I prayed and asked Jesus to help me to remember His goodness to me as I prepared to reenter reality and return to the daily task of life with all its goings on.
Now that I have returned, “BUSY” remains with me in my mind and in my heart. By keeping BUSY at the forefront of my thoughts and prayers, it is allowing me to release these distractions to Christ. I can allow myself to remain occupied with the things of living, yet not keep Christ as an afterthought but rather as the reason for all that I do. It is possible to be occupied with the things of the world, but not be OF the world so as to keep Christ in my center. A beautiful saint, Brother Lawrence, was a testimony to this very thing. He was a brother in a religious order and was given the least and most menial assignments like ironing and sweeping. Because he kept Jesus in the place of honor in his heart, these tasks became tasks not to keep him busy, but to make him holy. He offered each sweep of the broom for God and each shirt he ironed, he ironed for God and by this way, he was praying without ceasing as he offered everything to God.
The vocation that I live is my way to my holiness. My Bridegroom has called me to live out my vocation as disciple, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend with Him, through Him and in Him and by living this vocation in His truth and fully connected to Him, I can receive the grace needed to be drawn towards and to grow in holiness. It is growth in holiness not in spite of my life’s vocation, but BECAUSE of it. Jesus does not desire that I be yoked to satan and live a life of burden and what ifs. He desires that I live a life in His truth and in my giving everything to Him and trusting in His good plan for my life, I remain connected to the vine which sustains me and gives me the strength to fight the “busy” of this world and to keep my eyes fixed on the things of Heaven. Thank You, Jesus, my Bridegroom, for the great plan you have for me in this world. I place myself in Your Sacred Heart and ask for the grace to become a saint! Jesus, I trust in You!
Nicky Verna - Copyright 2024