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“I am waiting like the desert for Your rain;

I am bracing like the shoreline for Your waves, Your calming waves;

When You move, I can’t recover; I get wrecked when I rediscover more.  

When You speak, I see new colors and all my heart longs to uncover more.

I am reaching hands toward Heaven, so undone.

You’ve awakened, You’re reshaping my heart with Yours.

I wanna live here inside Your heart;

I wanna live here inside Your love;

I wanna live here inside Your joy;

And there’s nothing that I want more; And my heart longs to uncover more… more.”

Jesus has been singing this to my heart… Thank you,  Jeremy Riddle!  Isn’t it amazing how our Bridegroom can penetrate our hearts through the everyday events of our life?  A song, a baby’s smile, a blooming rose in the garden, a simple word spoken by a stranger that affirms what our heart is feeling.  I am constantly in awe of His great love for each of His brides, and yet, I wonder why I still find myself amazed at His constant Presence in my life.  It’s almost as if I have never encountered Him before.  I react like a child on Christmas morning… in awe, in amazement and teary-eyed at the thought that I matter so much to God that He would be concerned with the smallness of my life.  And because of this, I continually desire MORE…  more of His love, more of His compassion, more of His mercy, more of HIM.  I am like an unquenchable thirst and this, I believe, is how He purposefully designed the human heart to be.

In the beautiful way of Christ, I seek Him at the same time He desires to be found;  I thirst for Him at the same time He thirsts for me; He becomes poor so that I may be rich in His love.  St. Augustine proclaimed  that “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, Lord.”  This restlessness, in me, is the desire I have to be totally His; to be totally surrendered to His will; to be totally open to abandoning myself to His call.  I cannot say that I am anywhere close to being there yet, but each day as I make the intention to desire Him more, I am one heartbeat closer to our eternal union and each day gives me the opportunity to love Him more.  Through prayer, Adoration, reception of the sacraments, Mass and my simple offerings and sacrifices, I can make a small effort each day to draw closer to His Sacred Heart, knowing that my Bridegroom desires our union so much more than I do.   This encourages me to daily begin anew and to remember His promises and the reality that He is always faithful.  

I will continue to desire more of Him until, I pray, that day arrives when He and I will be one and I will gaze upon His loveliness in the vision of His beauty and glory.  Then my more  will have been fulfilled and I will know Heaven.  Jesus, I trust in You.  

Copyright 2024 - Nicky Verna 

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Nicky Verna, M.Th.

Regional SoulCore Ambassador/            Certified Leader

507 Van Lears Run

Villanova  PA  19085-1023

610-639-3816 (cell/text)

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